Continuous Learning Plan
image of two pencils and a notebook
SCS Continuous Learning Plan Cover Letter

Dear Silver Consolidated Schools Community:

In light of these unprecedented times in our country, the District is embarking on a new endeavor with online learning and providing education to our students at a distance. The District is releasing the Continuous Learning Plan to address the academic and social-emotional needs of our students as well as our families in this difficult time. A lot of thought went into this plan with primary thought going into the well-being of our families and students. During this time, many families are facing unemployment or struggling to make ends meet because of the trying economic times as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic.

We want to stress that we are in this together and that the mental and physical well-being of our community is our primary focus. The plan is an effort to engage students in learning activities and not replace actual school, but give students the opportunity to engage in continuous learning to help maintain current levels or enrich the learning environment of our students. They will not have a normal school day, as in the past, but be exposed to new concepts and prior knowledge that will grow them for future years in their education. This is a small blip on the radar of many of our students in their educational career and this will not break them because of this 6-week period.

Further, effort was put forth to ensure that our Seniors could make the most of this time and be able to experience the rest of the Senior year with some normalcy. The normal Senior activities such as Prom and Graduation are still under consideration and just delayed to a date and time when we can hold those events when it is safe for our students to have those normal experiences you would expect as a Senior.

This is a new, temporary normal which we have to overcome together and SCSD is in this with you to make sure the academic and social-emotional needs of our students and families are met. Additional information will be coming forth on a variety of activities linked to meals, instructional activities, and support so our parents know what is happening. The Continuous Learning Plan can be accessed at the corresponding link, our district Facebook page, via email, and phone calls will be made from our School Messenger system. The District is also working with our media partners to get the word out on the expectations and access to the plan.

Please feel free to reach out to your student’s teacher or send questions to the parent helpline at A plan is being devised so parents can make phone contact with the buildings through Virtual Office Hours and that schedule will be released in the coming days.

We wish all our families the best and good health as we work through this difficult time together.

Respectfully submitted,

Silver Consolidated Schools